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Welcome to our Q&A page. Here, we’ll talk about how to safely stop using drugs, something we call “detoxification”, and how a treatment called Naltrexone can help.

We’ve split our Q&A into four parts: understanding detox, learning about Naltrexone therapy, details about Naltrexone implants and injections, and how to handle cravings and risks. We’ve tried to make everything easy to understand. Our goal is to help you feel more confident about the journey to recovery.


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Who are we?

Easy, safe & rapid heroin detox clinic

Easy Heroin Detox is a clinic specializing in providing safe, rapid, and effortless detoxification from heroin and other opioids. Central to our mission, we prioritize your integrity, privacy, and budget.

Understanding Detoxification

According to the questionnaire results, 96% of our patients don’t experience any withdrawal symptoms. The patients go through an easy and comfortable transition to a drug free state within their body. The other 4% might be mildly indisposed and may feel insignificant symptoms of chills and cold. We don’t allow patients to suffer pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. The patients receive anti depression and anti-insomnia therapy as well.

You will be sleeping for several hours during the heroin detox process, and you won’t feel any withdrawal symptoms. When you wake up, you will be feeling relaxed and sleepy. Within only a few hours, you will be fully functional and you will be able to eat. In the evening, you will receive a night therapy to be able to sleep normally.

Although the body will continue cleansing itself from the insignificant remains of drugs molecules, you will be receiving a prophylactic therapy and you will feel comfortable. Should you feel the smallest signs of discomfort, inform the doctor and you will receive adequate medical assistance.

Afterwards, you’ll take the drug tests to make sure that your body is 100% drug free. That will be the end of your opiate detox and the beginning of abstinence. In case you would like to make use of relapse protection, you can start with Naltrexone maintenance.

Mild withdrawal symptoms might occur in cases when a patient says that their daily drug intake is lower than it really is as such incorrect information results in planning insufficient prophylactic therapy during the detoxification process.

This can also happen in cases where a patient keeps to themselves about some other substance intake (such as methadone, suboxone, morphine sulphates, benzodiazepines, cocaine etc.). In such cases, it is necessary to modify and intensify the treatment.


Please report all health issues during preliminary diagnostic before coming to the HEROIN DETOX CLINIC.

A safe opioid detoxification is not only a comfortable treatment, but it provides adequate protection of the brain and other organs from overpressure during the rapid detoxification from opiate and opioid drugs. To avoid the risks, it is necessary to plan in detail, make all necessary preparations and carry out the whole detoxification programme accurately. The medical team must be experienced and specialized in this area of medicine. Modern pharmacological technologies and the right strategy will not allow the development of some risks during the EASY HEROIN DETOX. We protect you from hard palpitation, high blood pressure, vomiting, and respiration problems during the detoxification process.

The screening of the detoxification process results takes place several times at the end of the treatment programme. After the programme is finished, the doctor will make sure that the body is 100% drugs free, and that there aren’t any reactions to Naltrexone. Only then it is possible to insert a Naltrexone depot pellet under the skin or to give an intramuscular Naltrexone depot injection, or to take Naltrexone orally on daily basis. The psychosomatic condition of the patient will then stay good and stable.

Opioid detoxification lasts longer: detox from methadone, buprenorphine, (subutex, suboxone), morphine sulphate (substitol, compensan etc.) is a more demanding treatment program. Comfortable methadone detoxification takes not less than 9 days.

Firstly – intensification and manifestation of the latent physical and psychological disorders, which used to be “concealed” by drugs (toothache, heart and lungs condition, depression etc.)

Secondly – psychological withdrawal symptoms: sleeplessness, blues, irritability, aggressiveness, transit “mental pains”, drug cravings.

To avoid sleeplessness, mood swings etc. in the early period of adaptation; we offer you a supply of follow-up medications.

It’s a rather complex and delicate process. Heroin, methadone, valium, alcohol, cocaine etc. might cause specific problems, in different combinations, during the detox. We requires exact and precise information about the daily substance intake. Additional medical procedures and medicines will be required as necessary.

We offer a totally painless detox, tailor-made for each patient individually and provided by a team of medical doctors who specialise in different medical areas. The programme is provided at the lowest costavailable in Europe.

From 1.100 pounds (including 24h medical monitoring, 3 meals a day, medications & doctors’ fees).

Yes, this can be done prior to the beginning of the medical procedure (if client changes their mind, cancels the procedure or decides to postpone it). However, after the medical detox process had already started, no refund is possible.

Introduction to Naltrexone Therapy

Naltrexone is a total opioid antagonist. That is, it attaches to the opiate receptors in the brain and completely blocks them. This means that if someone tries to use any kind of opiate drugs while being on Naltrexone, they feel no effect because all of the receptors are completely blocked. Naltrexone has been available as an oral tablet since the late 1970s. However, it only works for around 24 to 48 hours and in practice, it’s been recorded that most patients either forget or purposefully choose not to take their medicine. Afterwards they go back using heroin in just a short period of time.

Higher success rates have been achieved when patients are forced to take their medicine, either by concerned family members, or by a court system such as probation or parole. For this reason, we strongly recommend Naltrexone implants. We believe that Naltrexone therapy should be maintained for at least 12 months. This gives ex drugs users time to allow their brain’s reward system to recover from the damage inflicted by the drug abuse. It also provides an excellent opportunity to make significant changes to one’s lifestyle.

Immediately after the tests have confirmed that the body is 100% drug free. It means that there will not be any withdrawal reaction to Naltrexone implant or Naltrexone injection. Everything will go smoothly. Naltrexone maintenance may start on the 7th day after the last heroin intake or on the 10th day after the last methadone intake.

The difference is simple: you choose whether to take drugs all your life (legal or not) or to protect your abstinence by the use of Naltrexone maintenance. You can then learn how to enjoy a drug free, healthy life. It’s up to you. When you choose to go for comfortable abstinence, we are here to help you.

Naltrexone (or ‘heroin blocker’) is a narcotic antagonist; it blocks the effects of heroin (as well as any other opiate like methadone or suboxone) by blocking the opiate receptors within the brain. It works by binding to some of the drug receptors in one’s brain, thereby preventing opiates from attaching. If opiates are taken, they simply will have no effect and therefore are a waste of money. In that way, relapse prevention is provided. You will have more confidence and experience fewer cravings such as those suffered during the unprotected abstinence.

If a person didn’t receive a qualified opioid detoxification and if the necessary drug tests weren’t taken, or if the body was not thoroughly cleansed from drugs, then uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms may occur. It is important to treat them at a medical facility.

Just like any other medication, Naltrexone has some unwanted side effects. We’ve noticed tiredness, weakness and dizziness in 3% of patients. Some patients reported abdominal discomfort and feeling slightly down. Fortunately, these symptoms last less than one day. Therefore, we recommend taking some rest during the first day of the Naltrexone maintenance and contacting your GP if side effects occur. (Learn more



Understanding Naltrexone Implants and Injections

A Naltrexone depot pellet is best inserted immediately after the painless opiate detoxification and the detox results tests.

There are some potential side effects (less than 8%) with the Naltrexone implant including infection, irritation or inflammation and sometimes even some skin breakdown over the implant site. Luckily, these reactions are very easy to eliminate by the use of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory therapy.

By using a highly qualified and accurate nurse, possible complications can be avoided.

Naltrexone injection or Vivitrol might cause allergy in extremely rare cases. An immediate anti-allergic therapy neutralizes the allergic reaction. As long as a professional medical nurse administers the intramuscular opioid blocker injection, possible infection can be avoided.

Yes, it often takes longer for the rest of the pellet to dissolve up to several weeks. Sometimes the implant disappears before the preset time. Many factors can influence this: inflammation, violation of fibrous capsule formation around the implant in the subcutaneous tissues, of the implant site, accelerated metabolization of the biodegredible polymer enzyme systems of the patient, splitting into small fragments, pellets, increased friction surrounding tissue due to the strong muscle contractions and etc.

Some patients start fighting the implant, some even confessed trying to heat it up with hair dryer, or to melt it with hottie. Others reported crushing the implant in their body. The smart ones have just asked a surgeon to remove it. None know the truth about this, but we can help once again should a patient becomes responsible and corrects their strategy by returning to the Naltrexone maintenance.

Yes. Normally, the magnesium stearate contained in the implants causes the allergic reaction. It is not contained in the Naltrexone hydrochloride pills and therefore there is no risk of the allergic reactions.

The effectiveness of the implant stays the same during the allergic reaction treatment.

  1. To visit a medical institution for a regular wound dressing and surgical check-ups
  2. Keep your dressing clean and dry. Do NOT soak in a bath/tub. If you shower, you must cover the wound with plastic to keep it dry.
  3. Avoid intense physical activity and sports involving the muscles around the implant, do not to carry or lift more than 10 kilos and don't drink alcohol for at least 4 weeks after the implantation
  4. To take the stitches out on time (normally on the 10th day)
  5. Should there be slightest doubts regarding potential complications or any other issues, visit your GP and contact heroindetoxuk@gmail.com

Dealing with Cravings and Potential Risks

If cravings appear (usually after being in contact with addicts, dealers and other provocative situations), followed by emotional tension, restlessness and the urge to use drugs, then very often the only solution is the strengthening of the Naltrexone blockade by having additional implants or a Naltrexone Depot injection. This is usually enough to help a person relax and to return to the rehabilitation process. In some other cases, an anti-cravings program might be required.

The body’s reaction depends on the opiate drug type, dosage, and individual receptors’ sensitivity at that very moment of his abstinence etc. A patient might not feel any effect from the drug or may feel very weak sensations. Worst case scenario, he may suffer an overdose with a high risk to his life.

Drug users, especially drug dealers share among themselves ways to override the Naltrexone implant. Some study chemistry, pharmacology while others experiment, organize betting and competitions in “who’ll be the quickest to override an implant”. The survivors brag and spread their ways of fighting against the Naltrexone implant on the internet. It is possible to ruin any kind of treatment and to end an abstinence if one wants to strongly enough. It can be done at high risk to life. These people present themselves afterwards as “heroes” or a “victims”. It leaves only one question to be answered: why did they ask for Naltrexone implant at all?

We are not going to advertise all the ways that this can be done in order to avoid inspiring new lion hearts. We are only going to say that some don’t follow the recommendations to prevent infectious and allergic reactions. Others deliberately infect an implant site; even burning it with an iron and suggest that to their fellowships. The most experienced use different pharmacological tricks. The question is, wouldn’t it would be much smarter to just ask a doctor to remove the Naltrexone implant?

Patients should be informed about Naltrexone maintenance openly and about all the risks in order to answer their questions. One should not reinforce the myth about Naltrexone being the ideal and final solution: “Take an implant and forget about heroin “. This is just not true as there is no final solution to drug addiction. No one has won a Nobel Prize for saving humanity from heroin addiction. Research and development continues as we speak. Naltrexone implants are purely the best method amongst dozens of others.

Studies show that there have been patients who have died after the periods of abstinence from drugs. This appears to be caused by lack of tolerance following a period of abstinence. Naltrexone is extremely good at helping addicts stay away from drugs, but when the Naltrexone wears off, patients have a very low tolerance to opioids. It is extremely easy for them to use too much heroin or other opiates and have an overdose which can be fatal. Patients need to understand this clearly and be extremely careful if they do relapse back to drug use. It is also may be possible to overdose if one tries to override their Naltrexone therapy.

It’s well known that some addicts decide to start using opioids after having Naltrexone fitted. They are trying to “override” or “wear out” Naltrexone by checking its strength, and start fighting against Naltrexone blockade. It is very dangerous behaviour as it could end by sudden overdose and even death. A person either relapses or dies. It’s better to not implement Naltrexone for such patients. It’s clear that from the reasons mentioned, none of the doctors gives any guarantees on Naltrexone maintenance, but will provide maximum information on this matter.

We believe strongly that ex-drug users should be on Naltrexone therapy for at least twelve months. This prevents them from relapsing back to narcotic use, giving a chance for the brain’s rewarding system to recover.

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